We offer India’s largest range of Pro Lighting products at price and quality that are considered as industry benchmark.
Remolding industry norms & products is a passion at JIA. Hence, we cherish our work where financial gains is not a priority. For the same reasons, we work with our own set of guidelines which are upsetting for few at times.
We consider it our obligation to provide free service for our products. Though the spare parts are chargeable, our primary target is to repair the product without replacing any parts. Quality is our priority. It takes a lot of time, dedication, hardship & sacrifice to earn respect & goodwill. We take it very seriously & make our best efforts to deliver lasting products & services that JIA stands for.


- India's First to sell 1000pcs High Power Laser (1 model) within 1year of launch (June 2024)
- World's Brightest 3w LED Par introduced (March 2024)
- World's First to introduce 150w LED Blinders (March 2024)
- India's First to introduce 18R Rainproof Sharpy (April 2023)
- World's First to sell 1Cr pcs 60pcs Half Body LED Par (Dec 2022)
- World’s Brightest 12R introduced (Oct 2021)
- World’s Smallest 20R introduced (July 2019)
- World’s First to introduce 12R Sharpy (July 2018)
- World’s First to introduce 80 LED par light (Dec 2016)
- World’s First to introduce 60 LED par light (Nov 2016)
- World’s First to introduce 15R Sharpy with Glass Gobos & more than 1 Prism (Oct 2016)
- India’s First to introduce 2-in-1 Sharpy with multiple Gobo Wheel, Glass Gobo & Zoom Function (May 2016)
- India’s First brand to introduce High Quality Cold Fire in its own Brand (Dec 2015)
- India's First to introduce Linear Prism, 16F Prism, Sun Prism, 48F Prism in a Sharpy (May 2016)
- India’s First to introduce 5 Head Fire Machine (Dec 2015)
- India’s First to introduce Par Light (SOVA 54mm) with Indigenous Housing (Nov 2015)
- India’s First to introduce 3000W smoke machine which can deliver smoke continuously for 5 Minutes (Oct 2015)
- World’s Third to introduce 20R Super Sharpy (Oct 2015)
- India’s First to introduce 19 Pcs 12W Zoom Wash (Aug 2015)
- World’s First to introduce 54 LED UV par light (Dec 2014)
- India’s First to introduce Warm White LED Par light (Dec 2014)
- World's First to introduce 10R Sharpy (Nov 2014)
- World's First Pro-Lighting Co. to initiate Free Service Camps in Various Cities (Aug 2014)
- India's First to introduce Sharpy Follow Spot (May 2014)
- India's First to introduce 17R Sharpy 3in1 Pointe Moving Head (May 2014)
- India's First to introduce 3 Head Fire Machine (May 2014)
- India’s First to introduce Sharpy (J218 7R) with Indigenous Housing Design (Nov 2013)
- India's First to introduce 15R Sharpy Moving Head (May 2013)
- India's First to introduce 6000w Dry Ice Machine (May 2013)
- India's First Pro-Lighting Company to Enter Joint Venture with a Foreign Manufacturing Company (June 2012)
- India's First to introduce 7R Sharpy (May 2012)
- India's First to introduce actual 5w LED Par Light (May 2012)
- India's First to introduce 4in1 10w LED Par Light (May 2012)
- India's First to introduce 6000w Smoke Machine (May 2012)
- India's First to introduce Non Waterproof LED Par with looping power & dmx cables (Jan 2012)
- India's First to introduce 120pcs LED Par Light (May 2011)
- India's First to introduce LED City Color (Oct 2010)
- India's First to introduce RGBW LED Par Lights (Nov 2010)
- India's only Pro-Lighting company to offer free replacement in case of non-repairable manufacturing fault.

Above mentioned information can be verified online
Pro Lighting products are not just Business.
Lightings is our passion & your suggestion is our motivation to walk the path of invention